Headed to Grandbury Wed. afternoon to see Mom for Thanksgiving. I am totally PUMPED to spending another year at her new house with the family. This will also be my 1ST Thanksgiving with all my brothers & their families in A VERY VERY LONG TIME! Jeff is really excited to shop at the new TESKIES in Weatherford, TX and thinks he is getting him a new saddle...have you shopped those lately...it's a house payment (let's just put it that way)! HA HA. Anyway, this will be my last post for the week as I am packing, taking Brooke to Nutcracker Rehearsal, meeting Vet to take care of a sick horse (yes, Brooke's new horse J.J. is sick and think he has Pneumonia). I didn't know horses got colds much less this sick...he's been coughing on and off for about 3 weeks but Penicillin just isn't doing the trick! I guess any animal can get sick..just been lucky all these years with DOGS I guess! Ha. Here's a funny to leave for the week with!
Jeff is giving our horse a shot last night and it blew up all in his face. The needle busted....Penicillin is thick like white paint and splattered all over him! Needless to say, it was a CAMERA moment but I didn't have it with me. You'll have to just vision his face, jacket and all the nice words he was saying as he was wiping off his face and me LAUGHING hysterical! Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!
[image: faux sprout bulbs]Visit 20+ New Upcycle Ideas 769 – Twine sprout
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