Tuesday, June 30, 2009

My Life

I am glad to know my kids are having so much fun at the lake! Here's Brooke learning how to Kayak. Mom says she is having a blast. Blaine is being Blaine....going 90 miles a minute! He rode on the tube and has been doing that at the lake since he was 2. He loves the lake!

My life these past few days...

1) I went to a movie (the last one I saw in the theatre was almost 2 years ago).

2) I went shopping for over 3 hours. I didn't have to get kids in/out of the car or worry about Blaine playing hide-n-go-seek in the racks.
3) Wonderful weekend getaway with the hubby!

4) Happy Hour with a girl friend. Having to pick up 2 kids by 6:00 doesn't leave me much time for anything but Rush Hour. (Leave work at 5, pick up kids, change clothes, drive to Canyon to ride horses til 8:30, eat fast food on the drive home, bathe and put kids in bed by 9:30. 10:00 finally lay down to sleep) I've missed this!

5) I get ready for work in 30 minutes. So, I've slept in until 7:15 every morning. Man, I could get used to this.

6) All my laundry is caught up.

7) Washed my car.

8) Taught Miley how to sit and shake.

9) Grocery Shopping - my fridge is bare. I have butter, eggs, 6 slices of cheese, 1 can of biscuits, bread too many days old that I threw out yesterday finally and a few gogarts. Without kids - I haven't cooked. I ate chips and Tascosa hot sauce for dinner last night.

10) Last but least...had time to call my kids every day to check on them. So far....they are not missing me near as much as I'm missing them.
This little vacation was nice but I cannot wait until tomorrow night when we are driving their direction!
Thank you Mom for having them, loving them and spoiling them!

Friday, June 26, 2009

10 years ago today....

Wow, when I look at this picture it does still seem like today was my Special Wedding Day! When I think of 10 years ago this very minute I was going to my Bridal Luncheon at The Back Porch. It was a perfect way to start the perfect day. In June that year it rained every Saturday except for that day. Jeff had been on a Harley Poker Run that morning with some friends and in this picture, I was a little nervous because he hadn't shown up yet! His motorcycle ran out of gas and I believe he had to hitch a ride with his bestman, Shane Lewis. When he arrived I could see him and his groomsman from this window. Someone had tapped the KEG (probably WD) no one would admit it when I asked. Jeff was a little sun burned from his afternoon on the Harley but we would probably think something was wrong with him if he didn't have those rosy red cheeks. Afterall, he works out side every day!

One reason our marriage thrives to this day is we are still best friends. If I could've molded someone that would fit me best, it would be him. I was so independent growing up and hard headed so I never really had boyfriends just friends that were boys. Thanks to having a wonderful older brother, Josh's friends were my brothers too. Jeff was no different. His XCEL crew soon became my brothers too and living here in Amarillo on my own, just felt like this was exactly where I was supposed to be and exactly who I was supposed to fall in love with. He was and still is my other half.

Today we celebrate 10 years of marriage with two beautiful kids, two beautiful dogs and two beautiful horses. Counting our blessings is easy, after all 2 is better than 1!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Are you ready to ROCK???

Brooke celebrated her 7th birthday on Saturday with a ROCK STAR theme and it was a birthday to remember. My friend Brandy helped with the HAIR, Courtney helped with the PHOTOS, Misty helped with the GLITTER SPRAY and AmaDazzle was there to FACEPAINT. Where was I....well bouncing to make sure all the kids got "PUNKED" out and ready to SING Karaoke with the Wii SING IT Game!

Sweet Cybal from next Door (3 years old Diva)

Brooke and her best friend, Addi. Here's Brooke blowing out her candle! Yummy Strawberry with Zebra & Pink/Lime Green Polka Dots!

Lu Lu, the "Rock Star" that started us all....

Thanks to all for coming and helping make it a SPECIAL DAY! Are you ready to ROCK???

HAPPY BIRTHDAY "Elvis" - one of your best moments to remember of your 38th year, now gone! What will you do next, we cannot wait to see!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Is it "Fever" or "Addiction"

What is this feeling that has come over me....
  • Is it "Fever" like a thrist for more and hurt in the pit of my stomach wanting Bella to scream out his name...
  • Is it "Addiction" like I cannot stop or get enough. I read chapter one twice just to get the description of the "KISS" over and over....I dreamt of it again last night as I fell asleep at 11:15 reading through Chapter 4. I'm 1/2 through now on Day 2 of...you guess it...you same ADDICTS as ME.... I cannot believe I didn't start this months ago after watching 'Twilight'...after watching the movie I immediately hit PLAY to watch it again...I burned throughout my whole body wanting more...more...more. Now, this is just strange as I'm reading through Chapter 7 before work this morning..I had to finish the chapter before I could leave the book behind...I put the audio version on my IPOD. What's wrong with me....I'm going to finish this book and go watch Twilight again....and probably read this one more time before 11.20.09

Monday, June 8, 2009


OK. I have a job...but I am FIRED from ever trying to video and upload from my camera! I totally deleted Brooke's Barrel run from yesterday afternoon from my camera . I KNOW..clicked "yes" when it should've been "NO" - doing too many things at once. That's what I get, I guess. My stomach hurts, it hurts so bad. (could have something to do with the crunches/workout at lunch) but I deserve to hurt. It was like the best video so I'll try to write out the memory from my brain:-)

They pull in to the arena and run a quick circle to make a DASHING start to the 1st Barrel. She has perfect hands and even forgets to grab the saddle horn as she just RIDES UP with her reins and is headed to 2nd (my favorite barrel to watch - probably because by the 2nd I am finally taking a BREATH). She's around the check point and looking directly to the third and final barrel. Diamond's like a JET taking off around the third and they are headed home. It's over and a great 2nd Place Ribbon goes out to Brooke with 19.43 second run. Another little girl, age 9, won 1st place with 19.29 seconds. She was one of the first riders and Nanny was sure Brooke beat her time with 1st place...Nanny was keeping up with the scores! So, we were just as proud to have a RED RIBBON and happy to keep all barrels on the ground and little 50 lb Brooke safe in the saddle headed home!

Next Play Day is in Canyon on the 21st. This one is fun because it has lots for the little ones to do (Golfette, Rings, Flags, Poles, Barrels). Even the adults get in on the action...fun for the whole family.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Play Day - This Sunday

Brooke will be at the Arena of Life Playday Sunday, June 7th. The Play Day starts at 2:00!

Arena of Life is located off Hollywood and Washington!

Blaine will even get to do a few things!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Sending my first BLOG update from my phone! Technology just kills me....I am always amazed and still have not played wii other than a quick tennis match with Blaine (friends brought theirs over). We plan on this being our family Christmas this year.
Brooke's having her bday (Rockstar Style) with our friends Karaoke wii game and fabulous face painting by AmaDazzle! Looking for hair glitter spray and Brooke has asked to get a crimping iron to do the girls hair! It should be fun! Any idea - send my way - need ideas for fun party favors too!