Well...I thought my week would get better but it ended with a BANG.
1) After researching my mortgage company because my 8/5 draft never came through - they just closed their doors. No warning, no letter, NOTHING. So, I receive a letter in the mail today with the new company taking over showing my payments begin 9/1 , HELLO that's like tomorrow (get right on that). I went on the old company's web to view my payment history and they show me paid through so not sure who paid my August house payment but THANK YOU, I guess?
2) I am still w/o a phone! My beautiful, can't live without you, Blackberry was used as a chew toy last week. Yes, CHEW TOY! My adorable, well trained, 6 month old, soon to die PUPPY used my phone as a chew toy. It was lying on my bed when I went to wash my face, later found face down in the living room and drenched in dog slobber. The screen was bit in two and it still blinks from time to time (not sure since the battery is DEAD) but it blinks in the night? Now that is scary...
So, Jeff will be buiding a DOG RUN soon! My replacement phone has been back ordered, who knows when I'll be reconnected to the real "technology" world again. So, if you are calling, FB or texting me, I am sadly nowhere near getting any of that?
[image: faux sprout bulbs]Visit 20+ New Upcycle Ideas 769 – Twine sprout
bulbs, placemat stamp gift bag, egg carton bunnies, faux spring branches,
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23 hours ago