Tuesday, October 26, 2010


OBD - Oh Breaking Dawn, are you ever going to be here??? I think I'll re-read the book after my friend Tracy sent me this picture. It's not from the "movie" but I can imagine some beach scenes now.....

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Back to BootCamp

Fall is here and I am getting back into our routines since school started. Our weekly practices now include 2 hours Basketball. Homework luckily hasn't been so bad but heard 4th and 5th grade is a whole new ballgame. Our dinners have been on the fly lately so eating healthy is not working out for me. I try to get my good healthy meal in for lunch and totally bomb with my dinner choice (Sonic and Taco Villa).

I got a bright idea that I would get back to my BootCamp routine this week as we have mostly been doing the 5k workout the past few months. Cardio is great but the muscle and fitness challenge was missed, WELL UNTIL THIS MORNING.

My Morning Recap: I woke up this morning with a little soreness in some muscles I haven’t used in a while.

Then, reality hits, I raise to get out of bed and have a flashback of SUMO something I hope to never see again….

It hurts to squat to the sitting position, once I have finally made it to my chair,

I find “relief” and hope I don’t have to get up anytime soon…