OBD - Oh Breaking Dawn, are you ever going to be here??? I think I'll re-read the book after my friend Tracy sent me this picture. It's not from the "movie" but I can imagine some beach scenes now.....
Over the last few years I've received several requests for a Spanish
version of the Names of Christ templates for my paint stick ornaments. The
problem? I ...
[image: 20160703_135246]
I realize this might look like a duplicate post. A bit of deja-vu
[image: 20160703_113336]
No, just a visit to the...
Hi!! First of all, I want to say we are all okay and doing great! Y'all
are so sweet to email and check on us since I haven't posted in months. I
have a...
*JUNK.....still on the hunt for it....this old sucker describes all of us
JUNKERS to a tee.....and NO it ain't mine but it shore is a sight!.....*
*I am s...
We celebrated Channing’s First Birthday last weekend. We had a cupcake
party with family and friends. She got lots of clothes and fun toys,
although she ...
Charles' best friend from medical school is Aaron Purdy. Recently Aaron and
his sweet wife Samantha had a baby girl (Sophia). This past weekend we meet
I am not going to say how many years young, but if you know me, the big 60
is getting way too close!!! The kids had a birthday party/ cookout on the
I'm married and have two children (one girl, one boy), two border collies and two horses. We like even numbers. I enjoy entertaining family & friends, cooking, dancing and gardening. I was meant to be a wife and mother of two..it's all I can handle in our crazy busy life. I wouldn't change it for anything!
My thoughts exactly. Sigggghhhhhhh............
omg! I can't believe Chey-Anne already sniffed her way over here..I might have known! LOL
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