We had our last rodeo for the Winter Series and Brooke had enough points to participate in the awards ceremony! It was a day we'll always remember and are very proud! She won a purple lead rope, leather cross to hang on her saddle and bible. She had to run barrels on our horse Henry. Poor guy, he really just thought he was a pet but had to work hard these past few weeks learning the poles & barrels. They got a little excited on the pole run and weaved all the way up the poles when they were supposed to just run to the last one, turn back and then weave on the way back down. They did the barrels perfect! Our other horse, J.J. has been out ill for the past 3 weeks and we are finally seeing improvement. Hope for weight gain!!!
Here's Blaine on him!
Great Job Brooke! we are so proud of you. Blaine looks like he'll be ready for the competition next year. Ü
Way to go Brooke! We are so proud of you and cannot wait to come see you compete soon!
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