Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Do you know Fannie Farmer?

(picture of their homework assignment...I love it)

What an exciting post..or for my stomach it sure is! I was helping an 8 year old with her homework (I work for her mom and was really just trying to make my afternoon go by faster - wore out by work today). And guess what, part of her homework was to tell the story about the book they read in the Library today at school. Well, it made my day so I had to pass it along. Do you know who Fannie Farmer is? Well, the kids read the book called 'Fannie in the Kitchen' by Deborah Hopkinson. It's the story of Fannie Farmer who invented the modern recipe for NO-BAKE COOKIES and created one of the first and best loved American cookbooks!

If you've never made these delicious cookies....eat your heart out and get after it!

1 stick butter
2 c. sugar
2 T. coca
1 t. vanilla
1/2 c. milk
1 c. peanut butter
3 c. oats
Place 1st 5 ingredients in large saucepan. Bring to a rolling boil over medium heat for 3 minutes (don't overcook). Remove from heat and stir in peanut butter until melted. Then add oats and stir. Place wax paper on cookie sheets and spoon batter onto paper. Let cookies cool and enjoy!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Blaine's 1st Game

Here's a few T-Ball pictures from our first game. Blaine got to hit twice and run the bases. He wants to play everyday now!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

New Sport

We have a new sport in our home, it's called T-Ball. Blaine's had two practices so far and loves the game. He will play in his first game on Saturday at 12:00. He has a few friends on his team and his favorite part...running the bases. Before he bats, he does a few practice swings and then "eyes" the outfield before he hits.

Saturday Game is at 12:00

Hillside YMCA (between Georgia and Western on Hillside)

Monday, September 21, 2009

Growing Up

Just a small but BIG deal in my household this week! A few birthdays, wedding reception, bonfire cookout but we had a few hours to spare yesterday afternoon and we rearranged Brooke's room a little bit to give her a "hair" station with her antique Vanity Dresser and Mirror. We moved her old toy box out (antique cedar chest) and put it in Blaines's Room at the end of his bed. This gave us a free wall to move her dresser over and her Vanity along her long wall next to her closet. Everything just fit perfectly and we moved all her hair stuff out of the bathroom! Since her vanity has four drawers she now has some organization!
  • Nails/Makeup Drawer
  • Bow and Headband Drawer
  • Brushes and Combs Drawer
  • Curling Iron, Crimping Iron and Hair Dryer Drawer
She is BIG Stuff now and fixed her own hair this morning! She put it in a ponytail, crimped it and then left her bangs out long and crimped those. It took her about 15 minutes. What a great morning it was to see her so happy, independent and doing something she loves all by her BIG self!

By the way, the antique Vanity was in my garage since my realtor thought it was "too much" in her room. So by moving OUT the toy box it really gave us some extra room. I considered getting rid of this piece but couldn't part w/ it. It was a freebie from my best friend, Shara, in Granbury and was her great-grandmothers. It needed to be refinished and was a challenge I wanted to take! Over the years I've collected a few family and friend pieces that I love because now they are a part of me!
  • Aunt Connie's old Kitchen Table. I can still remember icing cookies and eating Chocolate Malts there. I've painted and distressed it black..it's really awesome.
  • Jeff's Grandparent's Hutch. It was a wedding present to each other over 57 years ago. I recently painted and distressed this piece red/black and decoupaged with black/white paper on the shelves. It's one of my favorite pieces.
  • Cedar chest which was Joe & Ann Gear's mothers' (we lived in her house when we first moved to Fort Worth). I bought this piece and refinished it for $20. She wants it back if I ever get rid of it...which won't happen because I love it!
  • Brooke's Twin Antique Bed. This was nothing but a pile of rust when Mom gave it to me. Someone left it out by WD's shop in Springtown. It was my first piece of furniture to refinish and I remember it well because I was 6 months pregnant with Brooke when I finished it! It's very special to me because it was my first for my first child! I think about getting Brooke a bigger bed..but I can't part with this!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Labor Day, A Fun & Full Weekend

Brooke's Catfish

Blaine at Palo Duro CanyonJosh & Breanna on top of a huge scary ROCK
Lorie, Brooke & BreannaBrilee at the Park

It was so nice getting to spend time with Josh & Lorie this weekend and the girls. You forget what having a baby is like...Brilee is independent and ventures out on her own, you just love watching her. She loves stuffed animals and the cutest thing was her putting them ALL in Blaine's little truck and rolling it all over the house. You miss these cute little moments when they are gone! Blaine and Breanna played so great together, their imaginations were just going crazy and such a joy to watch. Palo Duro Canyon for the kids was so much fun and they enjoyed Papa going along for the Jeep Ride. We had a cookout Sunday at Nanny & Papa's with Jill and Jerilynn's family too. Brooke and Cutter disappeared the whole time, they make a cute fishing team! Brooke stayed fishing from 1:30 to about 6:30, stopping long enough to eat and then back again! She doesn't get this from me?