Monday, August 31, 2009

Can anyone say "DOG RUN"

Well...I thought my week would get better but it ended with a BANG.

1) After researching my mortgage company because my 8/5 draft never came through - they just closed their doors. No warning, no letter, NOTHING. So, I receive a letter in the mail today with the new company taking over showing my payments begin 9/1 , HELLO that's like tomorrow (get right on that). I went on the old company's web to view my payment history and they show me paid through so not sure who paid my August house payment but THANK YOU, I guess?

2) I am still w/o a phone! My beautiful, can't live without you, Blackberry was used as a chew toy last week. Yes, CHEW TOY! My adorable, well trained, 6 month old, soon to die PUPPY used my phone as a chew toy. It was lying on my bed when I went to wash my face, later found face down in the living room and drenched in dog slobber. The screen was bit in two and it still blinks from time to time (not sure since the battery is DEAD) but it blinks in the night? Now that is scary...

So, Jeff will be buiding a DOG RUN soon! My replacement phone has been back ordered, who knows when I'll be reconnected to the real "technology" world again. So, if you are calling, FB or texting me, I am sadly nowhere near getting any of that?

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

2nd Grade here she comes

We have the best teacher, Mrs. Browder. She was a special Ed teacher for 19 years and new to Arden Road and CISD. We are really excited. She sent home a letter telling us all about her and her family asking for us to do the same. I love that....just makes you feel special! Brooke ran into class and hugged her with little brother following along helping carry school supplies. We have had a blessed week so far and looking forward to 2nd Grade!
Brooke was playing "chase" on the playground and ran into a pole. It knocked one of her teeth lose so last night...the tooth fairy came to visit us as she PULLED it out. The nurse must love her because she was there last year 3 times for pulling out her teeth at school. So now she has 3 teeth missing on top in the front. It goes "no tooth, tooth, no tooth, no tooth, tooth....Girl is going to need SPACERS and BRACES in a few years...not looking forward to that but she is!
Our sweet neighbor, Isaac, started Kindergarten at Arden Road. He got Mrs. Stary who was Brooke's teacher last year. Blaine wanted to go give him a HUG to wish him good luck! He loves to give his friends hugs...I love that about him!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Here's Brooke and her horse, Diamond! Mom and Aunt Connie were going to come out and watch Brooke practice while they were in town for a few days (after seeing ELVIS) but we were rained out for a few days. She's been working really hard, four days a week. So, I decided I would post this so you can all see her run the barrels! She loves SPEED!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Baby got "Back"

I have been working out almost everyday at lunch for a year. I have slipped to only 2 days a week lately. It's just hard to keep up and I am so BORED with workout. Today we are supposed to start our 3rd Circuit Training Routine - designed by our personal trainer who is a guy and they just have different bodies and all these lunges, squats, lunges, squats have given me J-Lo Syndrome! My jeans are even tight...I've gained 7 lbs all in my rear! BABY GOT BACK! So, after putting on my jeans to ride this weekend and having to do special "stretch out my jeans" excercises - I am determined to just be better! I want firm but lean muscle and I am not getting that at what I am doing!

I discovered this book and let me mention..he has a studio in Manhattan. HELLO just another "sign" I needed. For four years I've been wanting to visit New York. My sister-in-law has been 5 times! I worked with some ladies in Fort Worth who took a girls trip every few years...wouldn't that just be a BLAST! David Kirsch has a new book out that is just what I am looking for, A new ASSITUDE! . Check out his website - he even has a blog I am going to follow!

Confession - I could also use a distraction from starting the Twilight Saga for a third time. It's all I read these my goal is to focus on my body with David's help from his book! Nutrician + Workout = Wellness

Challenge - See how you can change by Nov. 20th (just a random date I picked out of my mind...ha)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Vacation Comes to an End

Well, it took me a few hours to catch up in the BLOG & Facebook world upon my return from Red River. Glad to see everyone is enjoying their summer too!
We took the kids to Red River, NM this past week and had a wonderful time (minus car trouble and kids getting sick) but it was still such a relaxing trip that we all needed. We will miss the beautiful scenery and on horseback was just as amazing. I felt like I was on a movie set!
We stayed at a Condo called Caribel. Highly recommended on the bottom floor with the pond view. The balcony opens up just steps from the pond with picnic tables, outdoor grill and seating around the pond to fish or just relax. Here's a view from our Balcony. It's a private pond with playground, horseshoes and volley ball with a creek that surrounds the place. They stock the pond every Tuesday so we were able to see trout swimmnig around, they are a beautiful fish (if a fish was actually beautiful). Brooke caught one of the biggest ones yet so Jeff was pretty proud of that!
View from our Balcony.
Kids had their own room with a TV and Fridge. They felt pretty cool to have the fridge stocked with their own drinks and snacks!

Here's the Rainbow Trout! It's a keeper.....

Brooke walking across the creek. My dare devil!

Blaine throwing a horse shoe for the first time and the next one is after he got a RINGER! He was pretty excited and jumped for joy!
Few random pics from the horseback riding and Cowboy Supper with Michael Martin Murphy. His daughter, 19 year old Sarah, will be attending WT next year. She is a great "cowgirl" poet!