Wednesday, February 17, 2010

What a week!

It's been a crazy busy week already but really happy to report that Jeff is coming home for a Safety Meeting on Friday and will be off all weekend. They ended up working last Saturday so they'll have this weekend off and work all next weekend. I'll be glad when weekends are over! Brooke has lots of Rodeo opportunities coming up so we'll get ready to practice! This Friday is Open Arena at Range Riders if anyone wants to come out and watch!

Here's a picture of the land we're hoping to get! It's 4 miles South of Canyon by the New High School off the Old Buffalo Lake Road (FM 283). It's paved and the other road that leads to the Junior High is also paved road so we really like the area. The land is 1/4 mile off FM 283 and on a caliche road (like sand/rock based) and just glad it's not MUD!

A few Mesquite Trees...and already fenced!

This weekend will be focused on the house plans and land and playtime next weekend! Lots of fun birthdays next weekend! My beautiful nephew Cash will be turning 2 and the little Campbell "McAdorable" is turning ONE!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

"Love is in the Air. My Heart, My Story" Contest by Amarillo National Bank!

It’s so great of ANB to do this and be the HEART of Amarillo! Check out their Valentine's Contest at

What a great family that's held ANB together all these 100 so years. They put a HUGE HEART in the center of downtown last year and took family pictures for people last Valentine's Day. This year, they are having a creative! Doubt I make it but it got me thinking...what's my Love Story… I guess you can say it was more of a Love Connection!

My mother divorced after 10 or so years of marriage to Jim (2 of those years they were separated) we moved to Amarillo my senior year. My cousin, Jeremy, introduced me to Jeff one night! I never had a steady boyfriend before and was so timid at first…we became friends that fell in love and after 4 years of dating, we became one! My Nanny would always joke w/ me because if we were ever in a room together we had to be touching….hands, feet or I’d be sitting in his lap… was just comfortable being around him.

What I loved most about our connection is we were both ready to be in love and it was forever with us. We both grew up without our Dads (his dad passed away from Cancer when he was 3) and we were both raised by our Mom’s …it’s because of our Mom’s…that we are both in love today. The pastor that married us was the same man that married his Mom & Dad…35 years ago. His name was Strauss and later married his brother. That’s a connection that is deep inside us.

Love to us is about family, working hard, laughing and having fun and it’s forever!
Happy Valentine's Day everyone! What's your love story?

Thursday, February 4, 2010

There's a new "donut" in town!

Well, nothing says "GOOD MORNING" like a Donut and good cup of caffeine! Before the new year, we started going to this new Donut and Bakery. They are not your "typical" donut either....lots of variety so if you like your "DONUT STOP" daily donut....don't come won't be able to handle it! Ha!
Jeff's favorite is the Jalapeno Kolache w/ cheese wrapped in a homemade Croissant....yeah...this can be w/ or w/o Jalapeno too!
Brooke and I love the Glazed Potato Cake moist you won't believe your taste buds. We think of this as our "healthy" donut..if there is such a thing! My 2nd choice would have to be the sourdough blueberry donut..I can't even eat a Donut Stop Blueberry donut now....
Blaine's favorite is the strawberry glazed donuts...ooh la la.
Valentine Special - Strawberry Cake, Heart Cupcakes or my choice....Heart Shaped Strawberry Glazed Donuts!